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Sitaram Yechury ‘critical’; on respiratory support at AIIMS

Communist Party of India (Marxist) General Secretary Sitaram Yechury, who is under treatment for a severe lung infection at the Delhi AIIMS, is under respiratory support, CPI said.
“He is on respiratory support. A multi-disciplinary team of doctors is closely monitoring his condition, which is critical at this time,” CPI said in an official release.
Also Read: CPI-M leader Sitaram Yechury admitted to Delhi AIIMS. Details here
Yechury, 72, was admitted to the AIIMS on August 19 for treatment of a pneumonia-like chest infection. The exact nature of his ailment was not revealed by the hospital.
However, the exact nature of his ailment had not been revealed by the hospital.
Yechury had recently undergone cataract surgery.
Sitaram Yechury joined the Communist Party of India (Marxist) in 1975, a year after becoming a member of the Students’ Federation of India (SFI).
He was arrested during the Emergency while still a student at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and served as president of the JNU Students’ Union three times between 1977 and 1988.
Yechury, along with Prakash Karat, is credited with strengthening the leftist presence at JNU. The 72-year-old leader is recognized for upholding the coalition-building legacy of former general secretary Harkishan Singh Surjeet.
Notably, he co-drafted the common minimum programme for the United Front government in 1996 with P. Chidambaram and played a significant role in forming the United Progressive Alliance government in 2004.
Recently, Yechury launched a sharp critique of the Union government. He said, “Modi led ND alliance govt’s decision to induct 45 lateral entry officers of the rank of Jt. secys/ Directors/ Dy. Secys across 24 ministries is a clear attempt to infiltrate RSS personnel to further its agenda to subvert our Constitutional Scheme.”
(With inputs from agencies)
